Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My Own Sex And The City Experience

I recently experienced Sex and the City in my own little steaming hot spot. In a steam room of all places, five women ages 38-44 entered. They asked if I minded if they "man bashed." I said No, as long as I could comment. Their tales were all too familiar and common in a city like DC: The married guy who was staying with his wife for the sake of the children; the never-married guy with money, charm and good manners, but who didn't want to be committed; the "I love you, but I have to travel tons, and I may be moving" guy; the guy who says "I think you are a great catch but I'm already in love with someone else (though I am still playing the field);" the attractive twice-divorced brunette who has become a runaway bride with two broken engagements just before the wedding. You get the picture. These are all accomplished and lovely, attractive women. They are lonely and their self esteem is down the toilet. They claim there are no decent single men, but they haven’t looked outside their own safety zone. Sound familiar? Ladies, get your rear into good therapy. Learn about yourselves and your own patterns. Date someone who is willing to work on a relationship and learn what it takes.

I know your bed can get cold. I know it can get lonely at times. But ladies, you deserve more than a great roll in the hay (though I know that's fun). And your guys, they deserve more as well. Help them know what they need to do. You will both be better for it. The sex part is easy; the relationship part is not.

I left that steam room thankful I was no longer young. When it comes to relationships, Saging seems well worthwhile.

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